Friday May 11th 2012

All yearbook staff members should meet in the courtyard on Wednesday May 16th at lunch for our pizza party.

Under 16 boys soccer on Monday evening at 6pm. Feel free to come on out!

The cast of Seven Brides is reminded to return remaining costumes to Mrs. Corbett.

Have a wonderful weekend Sonics!

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 11, 2012 at 4:41 pm  Comments Off on Friday May 11th 2012  

Thursday May 10th 2012

Hampton High School would like to open up their “Prom Dress Store” to other schools, as they have a room that is overflowing with beautiful second hand dresses appropriate for both Gr. 8 and Gr. 12 Prom. They have 60+ dresses in all sizes, colours and styles. Some would cost $500 originally. If you are interested in setting up an appointment for after school, please can Krista Hovey at HHS 832-6024.

Any grade 9, 10 or 11 student interested in being a Dairy Town Classic counselor for the summer camp please see Mr. Jeffrey for an application form.

The SRHS Lady Sonics Varsity Volleyball Team will be hosting the NBIAA Provincial Championship this Friday and Saturday at the Sonic Dome and the Sussex Middle School. The Sonics open play at the Middle School on Friday when they take on Bernice McNaughton High School at 4:15. Best of luck girls!

Just a reminder to everyone that Ms. McEachern’s Nutrition class is still looking for toothbrushes, facecloths, new hats and t-shirts to send to a village in need in Guatemala. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry as they need to be sent soon!

Try to stay dry Sonics!

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 10, 2012 at 4:53 pm  Comments Off on Thursday May 10th 2012  

Wednesday May 9th 2012

ATTENTION GRADUATES – Oak Tree Photography will be picking up orders and dropping off finished packages, tomorrow, Thursday, May 10th. If you need to send an order to Oak Tree, have it in the office first thing tomorrow.

Due to the weather, Track and Field is cancelled for today.

Hampton High School would like to open up their "Prom Dress Store" to other schools, as they have a room that is overflowing with beautiful second hand dresses appropriate for both Gr.8 and Gr.12 Prom. They have 60+ dresses in all sizes, colours and styles. Some would cost $500 originally. If you are interested in setting up an appointment for after school, please call Krista Hovey at Hampton High School.

The Recreation Department will be holding a Youth Jam Night on Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm-8:00pm, starting May 15, 2012 until June 5, 2012. These nights are an opportunity for the kids to bring their instruments such as guitars, drums, keyboards etc. If there are any more questions please call the Recreation Department at 432-4573.

This Sunday, May 13, 2012 there will be Mother’s Day Celebrations at the O’Connell Park at 11:00am-2:00pm. There will be activities for children and refreshments for everyone. If there are any questions please call the Recreation Department at 432-4573.

Are you artistic, organized or like taking pictures? Then we need you on our yearbook team. Pick up an application form in the office and return it to Mme Betts in room 1121 before next Thursday May 17th. Help us “Remember When….”.

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 9, 2012 at 4:57 pm  Comments Off on Wednesday May 9th 2012  

Tuesday May 8th 2012

The Forbes scholarship application form has changed this year. If you picked up an application from Mr. Huggard YOU NEED TO PICK UP A NEW ONE. The old one states that you must turn your application form into Mr. Huggard. The new application must be sent directly to the Sussex and Area Community Foundation by June 1st. If you would like a new application, please come to the Guidance3 Centre or check out the following website: All scholarships can be found on the Guidance Wiki under the heading “scholarships”.

There is band practice today after school 3:30-4:45 in the Music room.

Enjoy the sunshine Sonics!

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 8, 2012 at 4:28 pm  Comments Off on Tuesday May 8th 2012  

Monday May 7th 2012

The Forbes scholarship application form has changed this year. If you have picked up an application from Mr. Huggard, you need to pick up a new one. The old one states that you must turn your application form in to Mr. Huggard. The new application must be sent directly to the Sussex and Area Community Foundation by June 21st. If you would like a new application, please come to the Guidance Centre or check out the following website: All scholarships can be found on the Guidance Wiki under the heading “scholarships”.

Safe Grad and Key Club would like to congratulate Mr. Sherwood’s and Mr. MacKay’s classes for winning pizza parties for bringing in the most change.

The Sonics boys ruby team lost to Hampton this past Thursday evening. Mitch Folkins scored the lone Sonic try. The boys travel tomorrow night to take on SJHS. GOOD LUCK BOYS!!!

The JV Sonic boys rugby team lost 31-11 on Thursday to St. Macs. Nick McCullum and Marty McKenna scored tries while Cole Keith had two converts and a penalty kick.

The SRHS lady Sonics varsity volleyball team finished in second place in this weekend’s Regional playoffs and have qualified for the Provincial Championship. The Sonics defeated Edmunston, KVHS and Oromocto in the round robin and lost to FHS in the final. GOOD LUCK IN THE PROVINCIALS SONICS!!!

WE’VE GOT A WINNER!!! MRS. STAIRS! Yes one of our very own SRHS teachers won a teaching award on Thursday! Congratulations Mrs. Stairs! On behalf of your family here at SRHS thank you for everything you do and just being you!

Dalhousie University is coming to Saint John tonight at 7pm at the Delta Brunswick. This will be a great opportunity to find out more about the university and its services, course selection, registration and residence as well as chat with a current student. This event will be different than the ones students might have seen in the fall or in February because it’s geared toward students planning on joining us this September! Please go to to pre-register. We hope to see you there for this informative session!

Have a great evening everyone!

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 7, 2012 at 4:46 pm  Comments Off on Monday May 7th 2012  

Thursday May 3rd 2012

Just a reminder that the Outdoor Pursuits 2012-2013 money is to be in by Monday. If there is a problem getting the money in to Mr. Barton by Monday please see him a.s.a.p.

Don’t forget to give your report cards to your parents to sign.

Have a great extended weekend Sonics!

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 3, 2012 at 4:31 pm  Comments Off on Thursday May 3rd 2012  

Wednesday May 2nd 2012

The Sonic varsity rugby team had its first loss of the year last night after opening up with 4 straight wins, losing 41-7 to top ranked St. Macs. Mitch Folkins scored the lone Sonic’s try, while Bryce Worden kicked a convert. The Sonics look to bounce back tomorrow night at home vs the Hampton Huskies. Kickoff is at 4:30. Come on out and support your Sonics!

Listen up everybody!!! Every Thursday in the month of May will be Battle of the Sexes!!! If you think you have what it takes then sign up on the poster on the bulletin board near the gym.

If you happen to have found a pair of Colombia prescription glasses please bring them to the office so they can be returned to their rightful owner.

The SRHS lady Sonic varsity volleyball team will host the Southwest Regional Playoffs at the Sonic Dome this Saturday. Play begins at 9am. Come out and support the lady Sonics’ drive to qualify for the NBIAA Provincial Championship. GOOD LUCK LADIES!

Have a restful evening everyone!

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm  Comments Off on Wednesday May 2nd 2012  

Tuesday May 1st 2012


This is the last week for the safe grad/key club coin drive. If your advisory wants a pizza party, bring your pennies, nickels and dimes in right away.

Mount Allison University launched a pilot program to specifically target rural male students (in grade 11) who we believe have the ability to succeed in university, but for a number of reasons, may be at risk for continuing through high school and on to university. These include lack of academic preparedness, first-generation considerations, lack of knowledge as to the benefits/costs of university education and poor peer support, among others. Our program addresses these issues and others through the targeted programming, with residential experiences (summer camps here at Mount Allison for 5 days, all expenses paid) and extensive role modeling with our Student Mentors. It is our goal to increase participation and success by rural males in University Education. We also have a group on Facebook “Mount Allison University Opportunity Scholars Program”, where we can share information about the program, ask questions or just observe, if any students or staff wish to join the group. If you are interested in this program, please sign up in the Guidance Centre, for an upcoming presentation.

Students who have artwork for Fine Arts Night, please bring it in for framing a.s.a.p.

The Forbes Family Scholarship applications are now available from Mr. Huggard in room 2025.

We are looking for grade 10 and 11 students who are interested in ushering for the Baccalaureate Service on Sunday June 17th, 2012 at Kingswood college in the new Irving Chapel at 6pm. Service begins at 7pm. We would like to have 2 males and 2 females to usher for this occasion. We are also looking for 4-6 ushers for graduation. Two or 3 males and 2 or 3 females for graduation at the 8th Hussars Sports Center on Thursday June 21st at 6pm. Ceremony starts at 7pm. Anyone interested in volunteering for one or both of the above graduation activities please submit your name to your advisor to be forwarded to Mr. Huggard or see Mr. Huggard in room 2025.

Sue Papineau

Administrative Assitant

Sussex Regional High School

Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Inspire to Change What Isn’t

Published in: on May 1, 2012 at 5:07 pm  Comments Off on Tuesday May 1st 2012